Is interior or outdoor waterproofing better?

The exterior waterproofing process includes digging up the soil surrounding your home and repairing leaks with a powerful sealant. Indoor basement waterproofing systems are considered better and more effective in preventing basement dampness. The indoor tearful tile system can waterproof your basement. Generally speaking, interior waterproofing is more affordable than exterior waterproofing.

However, this only takes into account the initial cost. The added price of exterior waterproofing could well be worth it, considering that it generally requires less or no maintenance. When a new exterior waterproofing system is installed, it is often installed to replace the one that has already failed. Exterior waterproofing systems are much more expensive than indoor ones, usually costing about twice the price.

And because they're much more accessible for service and maintenance, interior waterproofing systems can last much longer. With rain in the forecast, you may get a lot of mixed messages about the best way to keep it out of your basement. One of the most important arguments has to do with installing an indoor versus now, the idea of an outdoor drainage system seems solid; it would be great to trap the infringing water and drain it away from your home before it has a chance to enter through the walls. Contractors who recommend outdoor systems typically use one of three methods.

The sump pump is also not completely necessary for exterior waterproofing to keep water out, but it is a great way to prevent accumulated water from accumulating around the waterproofed base. Depending on the way the exterior waterproofing system is installed, which mostly comes from the outside of the basement, it is considered a less invasive form of waterproofing. In addition, for both types of waterproofing, it is important to note that the quality of the materials and the thoroughness of the installation contribute to the durability of the waterproofing. After seeing the extensive excavation needed to waterproof from the outside of the basement, most homeowners opt for interior waterproofing options, such as an interior drainage system (IDS).

Another important part of exterior waterproofing includes a waterproof membrane, which is installed around the foundation of your house to insulate moisture so that the concrete does not absorb it, crack and allow leaks. Waterproofing your basement from the inside costs less than exterior waterproofing because it requires less labor and fewer materials. However, interior waterproofing will manage to keep the basement space dry through the strategic use of waterproof membrane and weeping tiles. In connection with the factor discussed above, some homeowners may prefer exterior waterproofing to interior waterproofing based on the use of the basement.

Gwenda Hunt
Gwenda Hunt

Amateur coffee specialist. Amateur beer enthusiast. Lifelong social media nerd. Award-winning beer lover. Friendly internet advocate.